Michael Abalantes Kalothetos, emissary to pope Urban IV
Los 3321
Michael Abalantes Kalothetos, sebastos, 2nd half 13th century. Seal (Lead, 37 mm, 32.55 g, 12 h). MH - ΘV The Mother of God “Nikopoios”, nimbate, seated facing on profusely decorated throne, holding Christ in front of her. Rev. CΦPAIC CЄ/BACT૪ MHX ABA/ΛANTH ЄK KA/ΛOΘЄTON THC / ΦVΛHC KATHΓMЄNOV ("Seal of Michael Abalantes, sebastos, descended from the Kalothetos family") in six lines. Laurent, Bulles métriques 445. Wassiliou-Seibt, Corpus 2839. A large and impressive seal. Minor doubling, otherwise, very fine.

This seal's owner may be identified as Michael Abalantes who was part of the imperial embassy sent to pope Urban IV in 1262 to negotiate peace between the Latins and the Byzantines, and to find common ground on Christological controversies between the Eastern and Western Churches. The seal attests the close relationship between the old aristocratic Alabantos family and the Kalothetos family, whose members are known predominantly from Palaeologan times. The Kalothetoi were also married into the imperial family.
75 CHF
650 CHF
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